How do I register a .au direct domain?

You can visit the Only Domains website and use the following process to complete your purchase:

Use the following process to complete your purchase:

  1. Check domain availability and priority rights as follows.

a) If registering a .au direct domain before 10 AM AEST on Sep 21, 2022 (priority allocation period), check the availability and priority status of your preferred domain on the auDA priority status tool. If you do have priority rights, proceed to the Only Domains website for registration.

However, if you don’t have priority rights and wish to proceed with registration, please note that there is no guarantee of a successful domain registration. Your registration will be queued for consideration after 8 AM AEDT on Oct 04, 2022 and the validation fee paid by you will not be refunded.

b) If registering a .au direct domain after 8 AM AEDT on Oct 04, 2022, check the availability of your preferred domain on the Only Domains website. If the domain is available for purchase, proceed with the next steps.

Note: If you haven’t checked the priority status of your preferred .au direct domain and have proceeded with the domain registration through us on the Only Domains website, the validation and/or domain registration fee paid by you during this process cannot be refunded. Hence, we recommend checking for a domain’s priority rights prior to registration through us.


2. Add your preferred domain to your cart and check it out. The account registration page is displayed.

3. If you have priority rights on the domain, enter your priority token information in the ‘Priority contact ID-Priority authInfo’ format.

4. Enter the details of your ID document that verifies your registrant information. For businesses, this will be the ABN or the ACN. For individuals, this can be any of the identification documents listed in the drop down menu, such as a Passport, Drivers Licence, and so on.

Note: Step #4 is only required if you are a new user. If you are a returning user, your pre-validated registrant information would be displayed on the screen during the purchase.


5. Complete the remaining fields and submit the information.

6. Review your domain cart on the following page and verify the domain registration fee, ID validation fee (if you are an individual registrant), and your registrant information. You can also configure your DNS settings on this page.

7. Enter your payment details on the following page to complete your purchase.

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