How many emails can I send and receive?

Outgoing email limit

Email transfer with different domains

Parameter Plan Type Rate limit
Domain Paid NA
Domain Free 1000 emails/hour,
2000 emails/day
Mailbox Paid/Free

200 emails/hour,

500 emails/day

Email transfer within the same domain

Parameter Plan Type Rate limit
Domain Paid NA
Domain Free NA
Mailbox Paid/Free

1000 emails/hour,
2000 emails/day

If an outgoing email surpasses the above-listed limit, the emails will fail and may bounce back with an undeliverable message with the following error codes:

Hourly quota

  1. 550 5.4.6 Sender Domain Hourly Quota Exceeded - [domain=$domain] will not be allowed to send emails till [time=$time]: Domain's hourly quota of sending emails has been exceeded, outgoing email services would resume after the mentioned time(in GMT) in the bounce-back message
  2. 550 5.4.6 Sender Hourly Quota Exceeded - [account=$account] will not be allowed to send emails till [time=$time]: Email account's hourly quota of sending emails has been exceeded, outgoing email services would resume after the mentioned time(in GMT) in the bounce-back message

Daily quota

  1. 550 5.4.6 Sender Domain Daily Quota Exceeded - [domain=$domain] will not be allowed to send emails till [time=$time]: Domain's daily quota of sending emails has been exceeded, outgoing email services would resume after the mentioned time(in GMT) in the bounce-back message
  2. 550 5.4.6 Sender Daily Quota Exceeded - [account=$account] will not be allowed to send emails till [time=$time] as daily email sending limit has been exceeded: Email account's hourly quota of sending emails has been exceeded, outgoing email services would resume after the mentioned time(in GMT) in the bounce-back message
If an outgoing email surpasses the above-listed limit, the emails will fail and may bounce back with an undeliverable message with the following error codes:

550 5.4.6 Sender Quota Exceeded
550 5.4.6 Sender Domain Quota Exceeded

You should be able to send mails again within 1 to 24 hours. If the problem does not go away, please contact us at

Incoming email limit: 

Email transfer with different domains

Parameter Plan Type Rate limit
Domain Paid NA
Domain Free 1000 emails/hour,
2000 emails/day
Mailbox Paid/Free

500 emails/hour

Email transfer within the same domain

Parameter Plan Type Rate limit
Domain Paid NA
Domain Free NA
Mailbox Paid/Free

1000 emails/hour


Violating the above limits will render your account temporarily unreachable to senders. 


Incoming email limit for a non-existing mailbox:

There is a soft-limit for the maximum number of emails sent to a non-existing mailbox, a domain can accept.
Rate limit: 500 emails/hour and 1000 emails/day
Once the rate is exceeded, the domain won't be able to accept any mail to a non-existing email address, however, the incoming email to the actual email won't get impacted until the domain/email rate limit defined earlier.
For a mass emailing solution, we recommend using Constant Contact and Sendgrid for your emails. 
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