Apple Mail
Launch the Mail app
on your Mac
Select one or more mailboxes,
Choose Mailbox > Export Mailbox.

Choose a folder or create a new folder, then click Choose.

- This would export all your emails in a file!
- Select File on your Outlook client on the Top Left corner
- Click on Open & Export > Import/Export
- Select Export to a file, and then select Next
Select Outlook Data File (.pst), and select Next
Select the mail folder you want to back up and select Next
Choose a location and name for your backup file, and then select Finish
1. Launch Thunderbird
2. Select your inbox or the folder from which you wish to export the emails

3. Select the emails you wish to export or press Ctrl + A to select all the emails

4. Click on the menu button, navigate to Save as and select the option of File

5. Select the folder where the emails should be saved and click on Save

That's it! You'd be having access to all the emails in the selected folder. For any further assistance with this, please write to us at, we'll be happy to help you