Change of ABN / ACN for your .AU domain

Please be advised that a change to the Registrant (Eligibility) details for a .COM.AU domain is treated as a new one-year registration period by the .AU registry and incurs a processing charge of $99.00 AUD.


Please contact us via live chat or email, so we can provide you with the forms for the TRANSFEROR (current registrant) and TRANSFEREE (new registrant) and assist with the correct creation of this request.



* If the current registrant has simply undergone a name change and the ABN, ACN or TM number that the domain eligibility is based on is not changing, then this can usually be processed as an update to the existing Registrant Eligibility and is not charged. In this case please confirm the name change that has been made; note this must show at the ABR or ASIC entry for the company.

** If you wish to update the email addresses for the contacts at the WHOIS then please simply submit these changes online; .COM.AU domains have a Registrant Contact and Technical Contact that can be updated separately from the Registrant Eligibility details.

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