What kind of hosting do we offer?

We offer a number of different hosting packages on our shared hosting platform (see hosting packages here:  http://www.onlydomains.com/hosting)

All our hosting packages (Kiwi, Kea & Kakapo) combine web and email services and use the latest software from cPanel, Cloud Linux, Softaculous. This combination ensures that our servers run at maximum speed with world class security and stability.

Since we operate a Linux, Apache, MySQL, & PHP (LAMP) platform - one of the most popular hosting configurations in use today - you will be able to easily install all the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal and more, which are all designed for LAMP.

We are pleased to announce that when purchasing hosting you are now also able to choose from our available server locations, with new locations being added and scheduled for deployment all the time; giving you the added flexibility of choosing where to host your website.

If you would like any information on our hosting packages beyond that provided at our webpage please let us know, or if you would like to purchase hosting you can do so from your user account dashboard or directly from our hosting landing page.

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