How to Delegate and Update Child Name Servers

Child Name Servers are name servers based at the domains name (eg child name server could be To delegate your domains to a Child Name Server follow the below instructions. All records have to be set up on those name servers for your domain to work as intended.


To delegate a domain to your Child Name Servers or to Update your current ones:

  1. In your dashboard go to Domains - My Domains;
  2. CLICK on the domain name you wish to modify;
  3. SELECT the 'DNS Settings' tab;
  4. SELECT 'Delegate to Your Name Servers';
  5. Enter the new Child Name Servers (be sure to 'Add' after entering the first two name servers and for each additional name server you enter if you have more than two);
  6. Enter the new IPv4 Address
  7. SELECT the 'Delegate to Your Name Servers' option. You will see an on-screen confirmation that the DNS has been updated successfully.


If you are submitting an update to the IP address your child name servers are currently using, please join us on chat and advise our staff. This allows us to monitor the update and confirm once the change has been accepted by the registry.

Please allow around 24-48 hours for propagation of any DNS changes, delegations and/or web re-directions across local name server caches for them to be visible globally.

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