How to Uninstall Wordpress

Softaculous/ Wordpress hosting Installation

To delete your current Wordpress which was installed using Softaculous or as part of your Wordpress hosting please use the below steps:


1) Log into your OnlyDomains Account

2) Click on 'Hosting' (on the left panel) and then on 'My Hosting'

3) Once the page loads, click on ‘Login’ on the right-hand side of the page to access your cPanel. Next to the little stickman icon

4) Once the page loads, scroll down until you see the Wordpress icon under ‘Scripts’. Clicking on this icon will take you to the Apps installer

5) On the next page, click on the Trash Bin Icon on the right of the installation to remove the wordpress installation.


External Installation

To delete a manual Wordpress installation from another providers installer use the below steps for a clean deletion:

1) Log into your OnlyDomains Account

2) Click on 'Hosting' (on the left panel) and then on 'My Hosting'

3) Once the page loads, click on ‘Login’ on the right-hand side of the page to access your cPanel. Next to the little stickman icon

4) On the cPanel use the File Manager tool and access the installation folder. The normal location is the public_html folder. ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE MADE ALL REQUIRED BACKUPS BEFORE REMOVING THIS CONTENT. Remove all wordpress content from this folder once you have the required backups

5) Navigate back to the cPanel dashboard and use the MySQL® Databases tool

This tool will enable you to delete the relevant database associated with your wordpress installation


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