Contact Form email delivery

If you are encountering issues making your contact form work, using our hosting services, here are some common issues

3rd party email service provider

If you are using another email service provider or our Business Email service, your contact form might still be trying to deliver its emails internally within the cpanel platform. 
You can check if this is the case using the following steps:

1) Login to your user account with us
2) Select 'Hosting' on the left hand side (it may be hidden by this chat window)
3) Select 'My Hosting'
4) On the right of the domain name, click on the icon that looks like a small person.**
** This will take you to your cPanel.

A new tab will open in your browser and you will be logged into your cPanel hosting account.

5) Under 'Mail', click on 'Email Accounts'

6) If you currently have the intended email account set up on your cpanel, click on "Check Email", otherwise click on the "Check Email" button to the right of the default 'System' email

In case you see your Contact Forms emails within this account, we can assist you getting them forwarded to the intended target.
For us to process this request quickly, please send an email from your account holder email address to and confirm your hosted account, and that you wish us to enable the 'Remote MX lookup' feature. We will get that implemented as soon as we can.



Integration issues

This is sadly an area where we can not help with in much detail. Our support team are not trained webdevelopers and can only provide you with troubleshooting suggestions. We would suggest to ensure that your settings are correct, by contacting your websites developer or the Contact Forms provider. If changes are required to our Hostings settings, please provide a detailed request with what changes are needed and for what features they are required, so our admin team can check if the changes are possible and implement them for you.
For this, please email and confirm the hosted domain those changes are intended for.

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