Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
To enable Two Factor Authentication for your User Account you will need access to the account and its primary account holder email address
If you are already logged into your user account, navigate to the "Account Settings" area under 'Account Details' or access it directly here: https://www.onlydomains.com/account/update
On your Account Settings page you should see the option to Enable Two-Factor Authentication on the right under Account Security
To enable this a verification code will be sent to your primary Account Holder Email address, which once entered will activate this feature
I don't have access to the current User Account or Account holder email address. What can I do?
If you no longer have access to the account or account holder email address, please reach out to our compliance team to request an update to the primary email address of the account at compliance@onlydomains.com
Our compliance team will need to confirm that you are the current account holder.
To speed up this process, provide them with:
1. the Username or a domain name that is located within the account
2. current Email account
3. new Email account
4. documents confirming your identity (Driver's license, Certificate of Incorporation, or similar)